Sunday, June 12, 2011

I missed it...

International Yarn Bombing Day - June 11th 2011

Something I have had a HUGE interest in for the past several years is Yarn Bombing. I've been enamoured with the idea of decorating something with yarn. I mean, really, it is no worse than spray painted tags on the sides of train cars or buildings. Actually, it is better. Spray paint you have to wash down (if you're lucky) or paint over it. That's the only way to get rid of it. Whereas yarn, comes off with the snip of a pair of scissors. Explain to me how yarn bombing is worse??

Sorry...I get a little heated about this topic. A lot of people love it, even go as far as to call it art (which it really is) but some think it is defacing property, graffiti. Pish posh. In no way is it destructive. Not in the slightest...try to tell me it is. Please!

Anyway, I didn't realize that it was International Yarn Bombing Day until the day of. Of course I had plans to help out a friend. I didn't end up getting home until 6pm and was exhausted. Nonetheless, I have crocheted 10 flowers with BIG plans of using them. (I'm going to start small and work my way up) The way I see it, yarnbombing isn't designated to one day of the year. So, next weekend...just you wait! Tottenham won't know what hit them! :)


PS: You really should check out and like the Facebook page. See what people all around the world did to celebrate International Yarn Bombing Day!!

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